the amazing technical dive sites of Panglao Island and Balicasag


the amazing technical dive sites of Panglao Island and Balicasag

Panglao and Balisag Islands have great technical diving sites. However, few divers ever get to see them are almost all dive shops in the area concentrate only on recreational diving

The best technical dive sites on Panglao are all on the North side of the island. The south only has shallow sites with less coral. 

Balicasag Island is great with wall dives running around the island. Tech dives here are best made on the smallest tides of the month.

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Techical diving sites of Panglao Island

Panglao Island Technical Dive Sites

  5. MOMO
  8.  PUNTOD
  9. GAK-ANG
TECHNICAL DIVING ~ Panglao Island,| Bohol, Philippines | Dive sites map

Panglao Island Technical Dive Sites

technical diving Panglao dives sites, Bohol. Sardines at Napaling

1. Napaling

Just five minutes from Relax Divers Resort. Napaling is a great tech dive with depths to 55m+.

Napaling is a vertical wall dive with great overhangs and shallow corals. In the deep water is the chance to see Eagle Rays. Deco stops can be done all the way up the wall into the shallows. At 3m there are schools of sardines and and hunting jack fish

2. Twin Caves

The wall at Twin caves extends from 3m down to 42m, then there is a steep slope to 100m+. The twins caves are at 21m and 14m. Short penetration is possible but as both caves are siphons it is not recommended

The twin caves marine life is superb. The best corals and fish life at Panglao are on the north coast. There are plenty of gullies and overhangs to explore. Finish your deco on top of the reef

Technical diving Panglao dives sites, Bohol. Relax Divers

3. El Capitan

Just like El Capitan mountain in Yosemite, this is a vertical wall from 3m down to 55m. Currents are slow and it makes a perfect Extended Range / Tec 50 dive

The wall is covered in large sponges and fans. Like many dive sites in this area, Whale Sharks can swim past in the season. One of our favorite sites we use El Capitan for both training and guiding technical divers

4. Relax House Reef

Not just RELAX DIVE RESORT House Reef but also a really relaxing dive too . Here the wall bottoms out at 42m, though the slope continues quickly to 80m+.

This wall makes a great Advanced Nitrox and Deco. Procedures dive. On the course we do many skills along the wall. The visibility is usually great and there is a chance of seeing bigger jacks and rays swimming past.

technical diving Panglao dives sites, Bohol. Giant Frogfish

5. Momo

Momo is just 10 minutes boat ride from the resort. The top is 3-5m and then there is a vertical wall to 42m+. Larger fish can be seen at the deep end while you can complete your deco on top of the reef. Great hard and soft coral cover and watch out for Frogfish and Leaf fish.

6. Doljo Steps

Doljo Steps – Make your last few deco stops up on the reef top at 3 to 12m. The reef slopes down in a series of coral steps to 50m+

Larger fish often swim past in the deeper water. Watch out for jacks, rays and from time to time even whale sharks migrating through.

Technical Diving Panglao dives sites, Bohol. Eagle Ray at Doljo Point

7. Doljo Point

Doljo Point is just 20 minutes by speedboat from the dive resort.Reef from 6m to 65m+ makes a perfect dive site for Extended Range dives

Here there are huge gorgonian fans, elephant ear sponge and black corals. In the deeper water are often pelagics such as Eagle Rays and large Spanish mackerels.

8. Puntod

Puntod is just 20 minutes by speedboat from the dive resort. Wall from 4m to 25m then a sandy slope going deeper very quickly. This makes a perfect dive site for advanced nitrox dives

Here there are huge gorgonian fans, In the deeper water are schools of yellow snapper

technical diving Balicasag dives sites, Bohol. Divers's Heaven

9. Gak-Ang

Gak Ang – 5m to 25m. Great for Sidemount Divers.

This is a wall for going slowly and checking out the small crevasses. The wall is covered in large fans and good coral cover.  Look out for frogfish, blue ring octopus and ghost pipefish, while down on the sand there is a huge amount of macro life. Bring your camera !


Danao Wall makes a great training site. There is a flat sand reef top at 8m perfect fdor tech training, then a sheer wall from 6m down to 25m. 

Danao is lucky to have corals and fish life much like the north site of Panglao. The wall is covered in fans and banded sea snakes are common here. In the season you may see whale shark swimming past. 

technical diving Balicasag dives sites, Bohol. Kalipayan wreck


Another great tech training site, the Habagat [Filipino for South West Monsoon] Wreck lays on sand between 32 to 37m. It is then a short swim to the reef which starts at 22m.

This small cabin cruiser is about 14m long and is home to lots of marine life. There are frogfish and lionfish on the decks, while snapper and sweetlips school outside. This makes an easy, shallow tech dive with all deco stops being done on the reef

Techical diving sites of Balicasag Island

Balicasag Island Technical Dive Sites

TECHNICAL DIVING ~ Balicasag Island,| Bohol, Philippines | Dive sites map

balicasag Island Technical Dive Sites

technical diving Balicasag dives sites, Bohol. Black forest

1. Black Forest

Just 25 minutes from Relax Divers Resort. Black forest is a steep coral slope to 35m. Here you can see large pelagics as well as a huge school of Jacks

On the reef and in the shallows are large number of hawksbill and green turtes. Bring your camera as there are plenty of opportunities not just at depth but also on deco to take photos.

2. Diver's Heaven

This is one of our favourite wall dives on Balicasag. A very steep wall dropping off to 55m+ plus with lots of overhangs

In the deeper water are large pelagics as well as snapper and sweetlips on the wall. In the shallows are lovely corals to finish your deco

This diver can have stronger currents especially near the surface, so we prefer to tech dive here during the smaller [neap] tides of the month

technical diving Balicasag dives sites, Bohol. School of batfish

3. Cathedral

The cathedral extends from Diver’s Heaven and again is a steep wall dive, with large fans and crevices to explore. Divers can swim under the overhangs and explore the great scenery

Best made as the first tech dive of the day as this is a deeper site down to 55m+  Like Diver’s Heaven this site is best dived on the neap tides.

4. Rico's Wall

Another nice extension running on from the Cathedral. A great wall dive with plenty to see in the way of larger fish at depth, with nice corals and fish life in the shallows

technical diving Balicasag dives sites, Bohol. yellowtail barracuda

5. Rudy's Rock

This is a great place to spot pelagics as well as get away from the recreational divers, who are stuck in the shallows

Further down at 50m schools of jacks and bluefin trevally are commmon. Watch out for the school of yellowfin barracuda as well.